Cihan Öncü, currently works and resides in İstanbul, Turkey, splitting his practice between his own artistic photography projects and commisioned work in fashion.

Creating various series since 2018, Öncü's photography reflects his inner world as well as his personal journey; photographs of domestic life and daily objects often play the leading role in his work. He has notably focused on still life photography in past years.

In his darkroom practice, Öncü continues to experiment on his own colour printing technique which he believes provides him with a larger playground to convey emotions and invite sensual intimacy between the viewer and his photographs.

Öncü is now working on a project on the cycle of life, capturing the body's stages from pregnancy to old age. He is represented by Dirimart Gallery.

His work also has been published by W Magazine, Atmos, WSJ Magazine, Double Magazine, Document Journal, Christian Dior.

2022 Cihan Öncü, Dirimart Pera Istanbul
2021 Dream and Diversions, DirimartXRitmo Zeytino, Bodrum

2021 All Else Is Far, Dirimart Dolapdere
2020 Mamut Art Project, Istanbul
2019 Vogel Art, Berlin

2022 Vortic, Never Never Land

2023 Contemporary Istanbul 
2023 Cl Bloom
2022 Contemporary Istanbul
2021 Contemporary Istanbul

03.2021 Fish Eye Magazine, Cihan Öncü ou l'art d'eveiller nos sens en couleurs
12.2021 Wül Magazine, Blending Objects
05.2021 Wepresent, ASMR
06.2021 Konbini, Les visages sereins des clients de salons de coiffure immortalisés par Cihan Öncü 
07.2021 Fish Eye Magazine, ASMR
02.2022 It's Nice That, ASMR


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